A short branding film for Christmas ministry, Holy Presents, intended as a companion piece for ministry representatives seeking supporters, donations, and volunteers. What is Holy Presents? Does a Christmas ministry work? What impact may it have on an impoverished neighborhood? How can God’s greatest gift transform families and communities?
Director, DP, Editor: Jason R. Johnston
Producer: Herlinda C. Lopez
Photographed with Sony PXW-FS7M2, and Panasonic AG-DVX200.

I had a wonderful opportunity to produce this short branding film for a Christmas ministry, Holy Presents, intended as a companion piece for ministry representatives seeking supporters, donations, and volunteers.
The interviews with Rick and Kim Hall were shot on my Panasonic AG-DVX200 January 20 at Valley Baptist Retreat in Mission, TX.
Two of the pastor interviews were shot at Lucero del Norte Community Church, while the colonia b-roll was shot in that church’s neighborhood in Mercedes, TX.
A third pastor interview was shot later that day at Bridge Community Church in Port Isabel, TX. Both pastor interviews were recorded on February 10 with my new Sony PXW-FS7 Mark II.

After the candid photos were donated by the Halls and producer Herlinda Lopez, I got to work assembling the footage together in Final Cut Pro X. The final film was delivered within a few days after beginning post production. Reception has been highly positive. In fact, each time ministry reps return from a meeting where they screen the film for potential investors and volunteers, everyone is shocked and amazed at not only the quality and impact of the film, but that a ministry like Holy Presents even exists here.
The film is working; my client and I could not be happier.