Bert Ogden TV Spots Filmed with Blackmagic Cinema Camera 2.5K EF

“Ready, shoot, run” with the Blackmagic Cinema Camera at a local car dealership.

Published Categorized as Behind The Scenes
Processed With Vscocam With F2 Preset
BMCC on-location at Bert Ogden Nissan.

The Bert Ogden family of auto dealerships hired me to shoot footage of all their lots across south Texas for some upcoming television spots. In the finished spot [no longer available] I did the lot shots, building exteriors, the shots of the cars flopping around on the lot and the running footage of the blue truck. It took three days to shoot all eleven dealerships. Thanks to Marsha Green, Cesar Castillo and Pete Salas of the Bert Ogden marketing department.

BMCC on-location at Bert Ogden Nissan.
Me and Pete, editor.
Marsha directs.
Producer Cesar’s truck converted into a temporary camera car.
The flag over Bert Ogden Nissan.
Blackmagic Cinema Camera in the bed of the camera car.
During the shoot, Pharr PD pulled over someone who parked behind the camera car and blocked us in, holding up production for a few minutes. But we were waiting for a picture car to be washed so, it worked out.
Later that day I was shooting footage at their BMW dealership. This is the view through the SmallHD AC7. Note the reflection of my iPhone 6 in its Otterbox.
The next day I was shooting their Chevy dealership when I cut myself on a screw sticking out of my car door from a missing panel as I tried to close it. That’s tissue paper and a velcro cable tie holding me together.
BMCC on-location at Bert Ogden Chevy.